The club for the Maltese in the heart of Detroit's
historic Corktown District
Welcome to our digital home!
Merħba fid-dar diġitali tagħna!

We here at the Maltese American Benevolent Society would like to send our thanks to you for visiting our website. Keep us on your "favorites" as we will be using the site to keep people updated and connected with the Maltese community in the Metro Detroit area.
There are several features we are debuting here, so please check them all out! Our digital archive has relocated to this website in a much more user friendly manner. You can also pay your club dues, find out how to volunteer with the club, and much more!
We also feature our own "publication" of sorts, The Maltese-Detroiter. This blog will have a rotating group of authors that will write various articles involving the Maltese community on the topics of history, sport, entertainment, opinion pieces, and more!
Club News
Upcoming Events
Join us at MASBI for the NFL Draft April 25th-27th! Click here for more information about the Draft Festivites in Corktown.
Thank you for attending the Lou Grech Cumbo Family Foundation Dinner! This annual event was held on April 18th, 2024.

Aħna hawn fuq il Malti- Amerikan Benevolu SoÄ‹jetà tixtieq tibgħat grazzi tagħna lilek talli żort il-websajt Ä¡dida tagħna. Iżżommna mexjin fuq "Favourites" tiegħek kif aħna ser tkun qed tuża s-sit biex iżommu nies aÄ¡Ä¡ornati u konnessi mal-komunità Maltija fil- qasam Metro.
Hemm diversi karatteristiċi ġodda kbira li qed debuting hawn, għalhekk jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja minnhom kollha barra! Arkivju diġitali tagħna rilokati lejn din il-websajt b'mod ħafna aktar faċli għall-utent mod. Tista 'wkoll tħallas drittijiet klabb tiegħek, issir taf kif jagħmlu volontarjat mal-klabb, u ħafna aktar!
Aħna nuru wkoll il-'pubblikazzjoni 'tagħna stess ta' tipi, Il Malti-Detroiter. Dan il-blog se jkollu grupp ta 'rotazzjoni ta' awturi li se jiktbu diversi artikli involviment tal-komunità Maltija dwar is-suÄ¡Ä¡etti ta 'storja, sport, divertiment, biÄ‹Ä‹iet opinjoni, u aktar!