Stone Castle Women - Archival Data

Title: Stone Castle Women
Six Maltese girls enjoy a summer day on the beach of Lake Huron outside the iconic "Stone Castle" in Lexington, Michigan.
At the top of the picture is Eileen Saliba. Far left: Carmen Camilleri, Center-top: Mary Ann Sapiano, Center-middle: Anna Camilleri, Right: Mary Camilleri, Front: Rose Borg Cassar.
The "Stone Castle" is one of many cottages built in Lexington by Maltese immigrants as summer homes. It's all-stone design and intricate rooms are still admired today. Lexington became a "little Malta" of sorts in the summer with so many Maltese families living in close proximity to eachother and the shores of Lake Huron.
This photograph was donated digitally in 2013 by Joseph Brincat.
Source: Joseph Brincat
Photograph date: 1941
“Stone Castle Women,” Maltese American Benevolent Society, Inc. Digital Archive, accessed *today's date*,